Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Syndicate Launch Playbook!

    2. Back Other Syndicates

    3. Partner with Other Syndicate GPs

    4. Legal Formation

    5. Setting Up Your Syndicate on AngelList

    6. Telling Your Story: Establishing the Syndicate Brand

    7. Be Selective

    8. Continuing to Partner With Other GPs

    9. Invest Alongside Tier 1 VCs: Co-Investors

    10. Have A Strong Thesis on Why You Are Syndicating The Deal

    11. Post Deal Communication (Best Practices)

    12. Admin and Operational Work

About this course

  • $499.00
  • 12 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

About Your Instructors

Alex Pattis & Zachary Ginsburg

Alex and Zachary are the global VC Syndicate leaders with over 700 SPV’s closed and over $200m invested into startups. In the last 12 months alone, Zach and Alex have closed over 155 VC SPVs and many more through partners they work with. Additionally, over the last five years, Alex and Zach have co-syndicated deals with over 40 syndicate leads who have collectively put together over 1,000 SPVs - during this process Zach and Alex have built unparalleled syndicate relationships and deal flow channels.

Ready to run a syndicate to invest in startups?

From securing allocations, to setting up an SPV, to attracting LPs/investors to partnering with other Syndicates, this course will prepare you to start running syndicates to invest in startups and grow your portfolio.

*The content provided in the course was prepared by the authors and may not reflect the views of AngelList or its affiliates. Nothing provided in the course is legal, tax, or financial advice of any kind.